The white area between the leaves & the roots, the crown is a modified stem on the daylily.
Has two complete sets of chromosomes in each cell, 22 chromosomes
Daylily foliage becomes dormant in the winter
A daylily which has additional petals &, or sepals
This daylily flowers early in the season
This daylily flowers extra early in the season
This daylily flower opens early in the morning
This daylily has evergreen foliage
Daylily flowers which stay open over an extended period of time; over 16 hours
Is a complete division of the plant which consists of leaves, crown & root
Person who bred the hybrid by hand pollination
This daylily flowers late in the season
This daylily flowers in the middle of the season
Flowers less than 3 inches
This daylily flowers middle to late in the season
Number of sets of chromosomes (very important when hybridizing, as a diploid will not set seed on a tetraploid & visa versa)
A daylily which has 4 or more petals & 4 or more sepals in a flat whorl
A scape is the flower stalk above the crown
The mature average scape height
Approximate time of flowering in a season
This daylily has semi evergreen foliage
A single daylily has only 3 petals & 3 sepals
A flower which has petals at least 4 times longer than the width of the petal
Has four complete sets of chromosomes in each cell, 44 chromosomes
This is an unusual formed daylily, must have unusual characteristics on 3 petals or sepals
Year the hybridizer registered the plant with the American Hemerocallis Society
EE = extra early E = early M = mid
L = late RBL = rebloom
Dor = dormant SEv = semi-evergreen
Ev = evergreen
Dip = diploid
Tet = tetraploid
Sgl = single
Spd = spider
Dbl = double