SALTER - 2002 - TET - SEV - EM - RBL - 4" - 28"
Lavender with blue violet eye above green throat


MUNSON - 1986 - TET - EV - M - RBL - 5" - 26"
Lavender self with cream throat


SALTER - 1991 - TET - SEV - EM - RBL - 5" - 24"
Purple with chalk red purple eye-zone above green throat


DURIO - 1976 - TET - SEV - EM - RBL - 6" - 28"
Copper pink with red edges & copper halo above green throat


DURIO - 1977 - TET - EV - EM - RBL - 6" - 30"
Lavender & coral pink bi-tone edged dark carmine & green throat

It has been with long & careful consideration over the past 12 months that we have decided to CLOSE our Daylily Sales down.  
We wish to Thank every-one who has supported us.  We have spoken to so many wonderful people.
It is now time for us to wind-down our workload & enjoy our gardens before we get too much older.
  We hope you have all enjoyed lots of very pretty Daylily blooms. Best wishes from "Wood-Eden" to you all.